Storm Tides

Times of change in your life can be painful and tumultuous. It can be upsetting when a routine and life you have grown used to and relied on suddenly turns on it’s head and things seem to be falling in pieces around you, and you no longer know how they fit in the puzzle of your life. Sometimes, after looking at your life in hindsight, you see that your thoughts and feelings had been stuck and unable to move forward. Once things unravel on you and you start to knit your life back together again, you find your thoughts moving in completely new directions and find completely new ways of viewing yourself and your life. You discover fresh ways of looking at things around you.
Change is a part of life, and often very necessary at that. You can try and struggle against it, but all you’ll achieve is exhausting yourself in the process. Life will move forward regardless. Try and embrace your new situation, and instead of trying to control everything around you stay open, and observe how the pieces fall. Don’t cling to the past, instead listen to yourself in this moment in time and let your heart guide you forward, even if it feels scary.